Sunday Morning Worship
9:50am Child Care for children 5 years of age and younger
10:00am Sunday School for Children 6 years of age to Grade 5
10:00am Worship in the Sanctuary
11:00am Refreshments and Fellowship in Room 24
Please join our livestreamed worship services by using this link: North Church YouTube
We gather to remember the last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. During this Tenebrae service, we remember and celebrate who Jesus is and what Jesus taught us, including his model of servant leadership, his command to love one another as he loves us, and his invitation to trust him in spite of the troubling world in which we live. All are invited and encouraged to come. We will be observing Maundy Thursday with members from Presbyterian Church of the Way.

Please plan to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on May 4. After our 10am worship service, we will hold the meeting where we will be electing new members to our session, deacons, audit, personnel, and nominating committees. Annual Reports will be available in the Gathering Space beginning April 27.