
The commissions meet once a month, on the first Thursday, to empower church ministries and discuss opportunities.  Each commission consists of three members from the session as well as at-large members from the congregation.  Participation on one of these commissions is a good way to share your natural and acquired skills. The commissions are: Faith, Life, Nurture, and Stewardship.

Faith Commission (Oversees worship & nurtures spiritual growth)
The Faith Commission’s purpose is to provide and enhance individual and congregational spiritual development through worship and devotional opportunities. Such responsibilities include:

  • Everything in the worship space including banners, hymnals, flowers, communion, baptism.
  • Provides lay readers, sound operators, tech operators and pulpit supply when Pastor James is not preaching.
  • Provides, sets up and cleans up communion elements.
  • Provides baptism gift and banner.
  • Oversees the incorporation of music into worship with the Music Director.
  • Oversees weddings and wedding polices and provides wedding coordinator, sound operator and custodian.
  • Oversees and supports Pastor James in planning and leading worship.

Life Commission (Oversees congregational fellowship, membership care and evangelism)
The Life Commission’s purpose is to develop and oversee ministries pertaining to member nurture, care and fellowship.  Such responsibilities include:

  • Member & guest hospitality
  • Member assimilation
  • Prospective member classes
  • Marketing/Communications
  • Member and community fellowship events
  • Food management for C2 Café and other fellowship activities

Nurture Commission (Oversees education, including Sunday School, Wednesday Discipleship and VBS)
The Nurture Commission’s purpose is to provide opportunities for all children, youth and adults of our church family to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith and experience God through education, nurture and fellowship. Such responsibilities include:

  • Oversee, plan, recruit and implement the Sunday School Ministry, Wednesday Discipleship Program and VBS with Director of Children’s Ministries.
  • Support Pastor James in discipling our youth through Confirmation and Commissioning Class.
  • Implement creative events and festivals for all ages to experience God.
  • Oversee, plan, recruit and implement the Youth ministry program for our teenagers including, retreats, workcamp, missions, fundraisers and worship leadership.
  • Nurture commission keeps our children safe with facility safety checks, cleanliness checks and background checks of adults working with our children.
  • Ensures that quality child care is available on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.

Stewardship Commission (Oversees stewardship and mission education and implementation)
The Stewardship Commission’s purpose is to foster congregational growth in awareness of, interest in and commitment to stewardship, including missions, social concerns, financial and building/grounds. Such responsibilities include:

  • The stewardship of our building and grounds. Oversees cleanliness, maintenance and improvements.
  • The stewardship of time, talents and money given to the church. Oversees the budget, accounting, treasurer, stewardship campaign and all offerings. The Endowment Committee works with Outreach Commission and reports to the session through Outreach Commission.
  • Determines which missions, social issues and causes to focus our resources upon.

New volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to join a commission or committee!  Contact the church office at 651-777-4044 for more information or to join a group.