Is a vibrant Presbyterian congregation of all ages and diverse backgrounds committed to worship, education and mission. We welcome visitors of all spiritual backgrounds and seekers.
Statement of Faith:
We are a community of believers striving to know Christ and make Him known as we share God’s love and good news.
Growing in faith through worship, study, and prayer
Celebrating life through fellowship, nurture, and care
Reaching out through witness, giving, and service.
We continually strive to learn more about God. Education programs such as Sunday School, youth/teen groups, and adult bible studies are offered for all ages.
Fellowship helps us grow closer as a Christian community and expands our perception of God for God’s image is in every person. North offers fellowship groups for youth, adults, and seniors which meet regularly for a variety of outings. We also plan many fun-filled events for all ages throughout the year..
We are a giving community doing God’s work through a variety of mission projects locally, nationally, and globally.
At North, you will find a Christian family to belong, to grow, to discover, to thrive.
North Presbyterian Church of North St. Paul, MN was incorporated in 1888 and held its first service on November 24, 1889 in a 24’ X 30’ framed church building. During the next 20 years, the congregation grew to 43 members and Sunday School was organized. After several building additions, groundbreaking ceremonies were held in April 1958 for a new church building a half block away on a 4-acre site. A new Christian Education wing was constructed in 1963 to provide much needed space for the growing fellowship and education programs. In 1986, just short of North’s 100-year celebration, a new Fellowship Hall, Fireside Room and kitchen were constructed and dedicated to the theme “Bearing Fruit for a Century”. Today, North Church has over 300 active members who are passionate about knowing Christ and showing Christ.

The Story of the Sanctuary Windows at North Church
Artist August Molder, a refugee from Estonia worked together with Pastor Don Meisenheimer in outlining a plan for 12 windows. By the summer of 1972, six of those windows were installed on the south side of the sanctuary and dedicated September 10 of that year. The following year the second set was completed and dedicated on September 16, 1973. Each pair of windows is a unit beginning at the right front of the sanctuary and proceeding clockwise around the room. Those on the south side tell the Bible story; those on the north portray the Christian life. All the windows have a golden strand of light running throughout, creating one continuous story.