Other Committees

Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee consists of three members from session, one deacon and three members elected from the congregation. This committee meets once a month on the second Monday and is responsible for providing Pastor James support and feedback on his ministry, evaluating all paid staff, implementing personnel policies and interviewing and hiring staff.

Christ Connection Worship Planning Team
The C2 Planning Committee meets each Thursday at 6:00 p.m. for 60 minutes in the Conference Room. We begin by sharing where the Spirit, energy, love, joy was at last week’s worship. We check that all is in place for the coming weeks worship. We brainstorm ideas for upcoming worship paying particular attention to worship in the next 2-8 weeks. We conclude by deciding which ideas to implement and how to recruit to fulfill them. All are welcome, members and guests, to come weekly, occasionally or even once if you have an idea you want to share.

Sanctuary Worship Leading Team
The sanctuary worship leading team has one person be a lay reader every Sunday.

Endowment Committee
The Endowment Committee provides orderly investment and management of the Endowment Funds for mission and special projects beyond the budgeted church ministries. They encourage church members to include bequest to the Endowment Fund in their wills or trusts, educate members in Christian estate and gift planning and recognize donors and those memorialized or honored.

Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee consists of 3 members from session, one deacon and four members elected from the congregation. They meet in the spring and as needed to nominate people to be elders and deacons and to serve on the Personnel Committee, Nominating Committee and Audit Committee.

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee does an annual review of our financial records to ensure good accounting procedures are being followed, proper documentation is in place and donor intent and budgeted items are being followed.

Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team strives to provide every person that enters our building with a warm welcome. Special attention is given to welcoming guests, introducing them to others and providing them with any assistance or information they may desire. The team also brews the coffee and serves the refreshments.

Tech Team
The tech team serves every Sunday by running the sound board at the 9:15 service and the sound, lights and video/projection board at the 10:45 service.

Usher Team
The usher team greets worshippers every Sunday for the 9:15 service, gives them a bulletin and seats them. They monitor the worship space to keep it comfortable for all.

Drama Team
The drama team provides inspiring dramas to enhance our worship.

Teaching Team
The teaching team consists of approximately 30 teachers that provide our educational ministries.

Occasional Teams and Taskforces
From time to time special issues or events are addressed by short-term task specific teams and taskforces. Some recent examples are Festival of Fun Team, Coffee House Team, Furnace Replacement Taskforce, New Praise Worship Taskforce, and Marketing Team.

New volunteers are always welcome and encouraged to join a commission, committee, team or taskforce!  Contact the church office at 651-777-4044 for more information or to join a group.